I first saw Oren Shai’s The Frontier at SXSW last year, but it has been seared into my mind ever since. His directorial debut is electric cinema, something tailor-made for people who love a very certain kind of cinema. His post-screening Q&A stood as one of my favorites I’ve ever been to. His passion is palpable and infectious, and his sheer talent for storytelling undeniable. I had to pick this man’s brain.
I don’t really keep it a secret that while I enjoy writing about movies I also yearn to make my own mark. One of my favorite parts of getting to write for a site like Next Projection is that I get to meet and talk with people like Oren, even if it’s nearly 21 months after first proposing the idea to him. Persistence pays off, kids.
I had a version of this interview that was a transcribed feature and more traditional journalism. However, printed words don’t do Oren justice. The passion and knowledge in his voice begs that you hear him talk. Why read an interview with someone like Martin Scorsese when you can listen to it? It’s a much more rewarding experience. And yes, that comparison is incredibly appropriate here. Be advised, I am still a bit awkward at interviewing people, but there’s no question who the real master is once I shut up.
it would be unfair to you and Oren if I didn’t warn you that there are some spoilers near the end of the interview. However, this interview is best experienced after a viewing of The Frontier, which still sits quite high on my favorite films of 2016. You can find the film on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, and all that good stuff. But you should totally pick up a copy of the film on Blu-ray. It looks gorgeous, and is worth the buck. Hell, it makes a great stocking stuffer too. See out this movie, dammit.