Alamo Drafthouse founder and CEO Tim League continues to chart his path to world domination with the opening of a new Drafthouse location in the heart of Brooklyn. The new location features seven screens equipped with Sony 4k digital projection, two of which have the ability to to project 3D showings and yet another houses a 35mm projector. The front rows of each theater features recliners to make the viewing experience more comfortable (personally, I feel the Drafthouse front row is preferable to any other theater and makes for a very enjoyable viewing experience; the addition of recliners makes this San Antonio native jealous).
In addition to the in-theater food and beverage service, guests may also enjoy a drink at the adjacent Wax Museum, a one-of-a-kind location featuring rare German waxwork sculptures including life-size displays of human oddities, animal attractions, and Napoleon Bonaparte’s death mask. Dude, I need to take a trip to New York.
I had the unparalleled pleasure of talking with Tim about his new location, the future of Drafthouse, bad parenting choices, and M. Night Shyamalan’s new film Split, which recently played Fantastic Fest to largely solid acclaim. I only had fifteen minutes with Tim, but I could have easily spent another 15 hours picking his brain. Tickets for the eclectic selection of films and events are on sale now. Snag some tickets today and maybe you’ll have the chance to pick his brain too.